Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thanks for the 5lbs St. Patty's Day!

Ugh! I used to love lazy, gluttonous weekends, now I despise them. I must have walked a good 3 miles during the St. Patty's Day parade, but b/c I did not exercise (all weekend!!!) I put on 5lbs! The anger!! I know that it's mostly beer bloat and salty  water weight, but it still makes my blood boil.  I have spent the last two days on a seriously strict diet and pounded down a good 8 gallons of water trying to get rid of it.  If I had a great run or intense workout over the weekend I would not be dealing with this. I hate wasting a couple of days (or a week) trying to make up for lost time. The weekend before last I ran over 8 miles, went to two birthday parties and had at least 2 pieces of cake (not to mention other party snacks) and gained NOTHING! Lesson learned!
Look at that can of cheap beer screaming into my ear, "Don't do it!! You should have gone for a run this morning and you are going to regret this!!"

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